Thursday, May 9, 2013

Phase Four

Phase one - would be donors fill out a form online. Phase two - a blood test/type is run. Phase three - potential donors are asked to go through some of the same testing I've gone through (I don't envy anyone who actually makes it to phase three). Phase 4- my blood and a potential donor's blood is mixed together to see if it gets along okay.

Today my coordinator called to ask me to come in on May 22nd for a phase four blood test. If all goes well... a transplant could be just around the corner. I'll keep you posted.

My name is Bil... and I have kidney disease

1 comment:

  1. For anyone that has filled out the form, but put off phase one or phase two, please please follow through! I made it through to phase four, and it was a breeze. The donor coordinators are extremely helpful and organized, and there is nothing invasive involved in the testing portion. Thank you to everyone who has already taken action, you are all so brave. And for those of you considering, you will be surprised at how any fears you may have are completely addressed and relieved. Did you know that if we donate, and heaven forbid ever need one, we shoot to the top of the priority list! And there is NO increase in risk of renal failure, no medications to change in diet. You will live just as normal of a life post-donation. Heck, may people only have one kidney at birth and never know. and after all, this geek is worth saving!
