Friday, May 3, 2013

Waiting Game

People ask me how the kidney search is going. I hear very little about the goings on of the donor side of things. I almost have no idea about what is going down... I'm pretty much in the dark most of the time. What I do know is that there has been a good response from the myriad potential donors out there who have heard about my situation and want to help out. The first bit of information came from my coordinator Brenda, who basically said that there was a good response. I also know that a friend of my wife is at phase three of the process... having done the on line form and then having done some blood work, she now is being scheduled to go through the same kind of testing I had to go through to see if I could handle getting a new kidney, except for her of course the testing will be focused on giving up a kidney. I don't know if anyone else has made it this far in the process. The last bit of information I received was by way of Meg's sister, who attempted to start the process and was turned away supposedly due to the great number of people who volunteered already. I don't know if that means 6 or 60 or anywhere in between.... but that sounds like a positive bit of information. Meanwhile I continue to do the things we all do... and I pretend that each time the phone rings I don't secretly hope its Brenda calling to schedule the transplant.

My name is Bil... and I have kidney disease


  1. Bil,

    Finally found my way to the site. Best of luck, keep living each day to the fullest, and something good will happen. I haven't been turned away yet ;)


    1. Thanks Corey... appreciate you taking the time to drop me a line.

  2. Is the maximum age 60 an rule in the US? In the UK, I volunteered to donate to my brother about the same week that I turned 60, and as far as they are concerned there is no issue; it just depends on how fit you are. I've gone through all the tests - perfect match on tissue type - and now we are just waiting for him to get more ill, as his eGFR is hovering around 15%. Hence, by the time we actually do it, I'll be 62! The surgeon told me that her oldest donor was 75...
