Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dentally Speaking

Sorry now if this post is kinda gross... please don't read if you're easily skived out.

So I'm anemic as a result of my kidney disease... fairly common. Early on in my catheter days I had a few bleeding episodes that landed me in the emergency room over night. One thing I noticed is that it seemed to happen after dialysis sessions when they gave me heparin... an anti coagulant. So I mentioned it and we dropped the heparin from my routine.

Yesterday I had a long overdue dental cleaning prior to my dialysis. Although there was plenty of bleeding during the cleaning, I left there without any kind of significant bleeding. An hour later I was in dialysis and I'm not certain but I believe someone may have given me heparin yesterday.

Last night I brushed my teeth before going to bed. As you might expect following an intense dental cleaning... the brushing caused a little followup bleeding. Unfortunately the bleeding just never stopped. I tried to just ignore it and hope it would go away before waking up this morning... but instead it got so bad that I awoke around midnight with my pillow and face covered in blood.

I got up and cleaned up. Looked at my mouth and the blood was trying to clot. This led to little gelatinous blood pillows all over my mouth and wrapped around my teeth. It was.. gross.

I brushed my teeth again to try and clean it up but that started the bleeding again. I went back to bed but kept waking up every hour or so and returned to the bathroom to do a little more cleaning of blood pillows from my mouth.

This morning it appears to finally be returning to normal but I still had some follow up cleaning to do in some hard to reach places. Hopefully this will be the last of it... tough night when you can't get a full night of sleep and have to keep cleaning up blood from your face and mouth.

My name is Bil... and I have some weird shit that happens to me due to this kidney disease.

1 comment:

  1. Common symptoms of Kidney Stone include flank or lumbar pain, blood in the urine, nausea & vomiting. Kidney Stones associated with symptoms are called Symptomatic Kidney stones. kidney stones having no symptoms are called Asymptomatic Kidney Stones.
