Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Week On The List

So it's been a week since I went onto the list of people looking for a kidney transplant and though I'm not given any details... I had spoken to my coordinator this morning and she mentioned that there has been a great response from you my supporters... and I appreciate the effort from all of you... hopefully one of you will actually work out to be a good donor for me or perhaps someone else on the list who happens to have someone among their supporters that is a match for me.

I had an appointment this morning with my nephrologist and half expected to hear that I would need to go on dialysis within the next week or two... but instead she said that it isn't about a certain number (in regards to my creatinine levels) but instead is about the symptomatic conditions of the patient (that would be me) that determines when dialysis needs to begin and despite my rising creatinines & potassium levels, not to mention my blood pressure and my increased anemic condition... I actually appear to be mostly healthy and so she may want to increase my meds, but I'm okay for now without the dialysis.

In other news... our local paper has contacted me in regards to doing a story on me... at first I was thinking it might be silly... but then I realized it might be an opportunity to get out some awareness about the need for kidney donors... so I mentioned that I would be interested as long as it wasn't a woe is me type story but allowed me to talk about the importance of live kidney donation. I'll keep you posted if anything further happens there.

That's all I've got for today.

My name is Bil ... and I have kidney disease

1 comment:

  1. That would really be great if the paper ran a story on you because it would do just as you said, spread some awareness on how essential it is for us to share this vital organ that would save so many from that crummy dialysis. I'm so happy your doc said it's not needed now, keep on keepin' on and know that we are rooting for you! xo, Keek
