Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Match Maker, Match Maker Make Me A Match

So maybe you're thinking that you want to offer to donate a kidney. Its a hard decision for some of you and yet others will want to jump in with both feet... or both kidneys. I'm sure that several of you will already know without doubt that you are not giving up a kidney for me or anyone... and I don't blame you... its a scary thought, right? On the other hand some of you are thinking you're ready to go and you just want me to tell you what you need to do... and I appreciate the enthusiasm... but we've got a little time here and the goal is to go about this in a somewhat practical and sensible fashion so I get the best possible kidney for my situation.

First I need to get on the list... which should be as of this Friday (April 12th), barring any unforeseen circumstances. Until I'm on the list no one can do anything. Once I'm on the list, I'll send out a web address and a phone number for anyone who is interested in finding out if they are in fact a potential donor.

What does that even mean... Potential Donor? Well if you're over 60 or under 18... you're already off the list. If you have high blood pressure... you're probably not going to be a good donor. If you've recently had any serious health issues of your own then you're probably no good to me unless you're dead and your kidneys are in relatively good shape and its five years from now and no other living donors have stepped forward and  after five years of me being on dialysis and waiting my turn... you just happened to pass away and your kidneys were a reasonable match for me. But lets not go there (I know... too late, I already went there).

If on the other hand you're reasonably healthy, between the ages of 18 & 60, have blood type A or O, share  at least a few antibodies in common with my antibodies and a cross-match of our blood produces a negative result (in other words.. my blood doesn't try to attack yours and vice-versa) then I think they'll put you on the short list of potential donors.

But wait... all of you AB & B blood types... don't walk away just yet... if you're really gun ho about donating and you're thinking awe shucks, I can't help Bil... don't be so sure. You see there are plenty of people out there looking for a donor to match them... but they only have donor friends and relatives that match other people... like me. In those cases your kidney might not end up inside of me, but your donation to another allows me to receive a really great match for my blood type. Its called paired donation.

I suppose its somewhat presumptuous of me to even think one person will actually step up once the info is made available. But I have to believe I'll find a living donor because its the only way I can avoid dialysis and its the only way I can expect the very best chance of seeing my children grow up, go to college and marry and have kids of their own. And I know a few of you have already said you'll donate a kidney, but those words, as generous as they sound, don't guarantee action or that you'll be the best donor for me. So I'll reach out to many in hopes of a scant few and the possibility of the perfect match.

My names is Bil... and I have kidney disease.

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